Wednesday 24 September 2014

International Business Etiquette for a Successful Business Career

Quoting the words of the famous Irish novelist and satirist Lawrence Sterne, “Having respect for ourselves guides our morals and having deference for others governs our manners”. Good manners or etiquette is a very important part of our day to day lives. Consciously or subconsciously, we are always trying to keep up with the rules of etiquette requirements in our social lives and work lives. Many of these rules are unwritten and inspired from experiences or common behaviour, such as giving up our seat for an elderly person or saying ‘Thank You’, ‘Please’ or ‘Sorry’ in response to even the smallest of favours received or inconvenience caused to the other person. Some other rules of behaviour may be less obvious, especially when dealing with a foreign culture.

International Business Etiquette Course Delhi

When working on an international stage, there are even more complexities to the rules of etiquette. The modern global business demands much amount of travelling to foreign lands and mixing with clients, colleagues and customers belonging to various cultures and speaking various languages.  Each of these cultures have their own different written and unwritten rules of etiquette. When people from different cultures come together, even a small etiquette mistake becomes easily identifiable. It is taken as lack of etiquettes in business when lack of manners or lack of deference in the words of Lawrence. It is annoying to have a foreign client rejecting your offer of a meal or a client not shaking hands upon meeting. These simple set of etiquettes are important to follow as lack of etiquettes leads to soured relationships, poor business relationships and lost deals. Knowing the expected rules of behaviour in international contexts can help you accomplish innumerable tasks. It can help maintain cordial and productive interpersonal relationships. It can be facilitate smooth interactions, business, communications, business dealings and so on. When people mix together, etiquettes are the essence that keeps them going along together. Lack of etiquette is immediately reflected from anyone’s personality like someone not thanking you for any small favour received or not saying sorry for any problem caused to you.

 International Business Etiquette Course Delhi is one of the courses which provide training in business etiquettes followed by people from around the world belonging to various cultures. Throughout the world people follow different etiquettes when it comes to communication, personal space, gifts and greetings, food habits, business meetings etc. International Business Etiquette Course Delhi covers the following aspects during the training.
·         Business Card Etiquette
·         The Etiquette of Personal Space
·         The Etiquette of Gift Giving
·         The Etiquette of Communication

For someone who wants to get the correct grasp of the International business, this course plays a vital role.

iRikai is India’s leading Business Etiquette trainers located in New Delhi. Following customary decorum for the smallest detail in business matters pave way to success. 

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